Tim (10) fishes another bomb from the port of Enkhuizer
Once again the Enkhuizer Tim van der Gulik (10) fished a bomb out of the water. Last year he picked up a grenade while magnet fishing, now it has been hit again on the Harlingensteiger. Although this time the bomb was considerably larger. Check magnetar magnets for more information
The Van der Gulik family already knows how it works. Another call to the police followed after the catch. And then came the Explosives Ordnance Disposal Service (EOD) to render the explosives harmless.
Tim can detonate the bomb A location was found in the recreation area where the bomb was buried. Tim was allowed to push the button to make it explode, and that caused a big bang.
The community checks to see if research is needed Last year, two explosives were caught by magnetic fishermen on the Harlingensteiger. “The EOD saw no reason to investigate the presence of further explosives at this point in time,” says a spokesman for the community. “There was no information that explosives were ever dumped. In addition, the entire port area can never be investigated. However, with this finding we will go back to the EOD to ask if this is a reason to revise their advice . “ |