There’s a whole bunch of yuck out there about compost. Some of it is accurate, and some is not. For example, you might have heard that compost isn’t good for the soil or plants, or that it will attract pests or vermin to your property. But what exactly is compost and why should you care? Compost is essentially decomposed organic matter from any source (including plants, animals, human excrement , and even straw). It can be made artificially in a lab setting as well as through natural processes like fermentation. In this blog post we will cover everything you need to know about compost: its many benefits, how to make your own at home using common household items, the difference between hot and cold composting methods and more! What is Compost?Compost is decomposed organic matter that is rich in nutrients that can be used as fertilizer. It usually consists of a mixture of decaying plant and animal matter, including manure and other biological materials. Essentially, compost is the product of the biological breakdown of organic matter that facilitates the cycling of nutrients between organisms and ecosystems. There are three types of compost: – Hot composting, which is used to kill pathogens and weed seeds and is done between 50 and 122 degrees Fahrenheit – Worm composting, which uses earthworms and is done in temperatures between 58 and 86 degrees Fahrenheit – Cold composting, which is done at temperatures below 50 degrees Fahrenheit and does not kill pathogens or weed seeds Benefits of Using CompostCompost is rich in nutrients, that can help your garden grow more quickly and yield a larger harvest than if you didn’t use compost. Compost can increase the organic matter in your soil and help it retain more water. That’s because compost contains active microorganisms that help break down the organic matter, releasing nutrients and water from the soil. Compost also provides valuable organic matter for your soil’s texture. Compost can improve the health of your soil by increasing its organic matter, improving its texture and water retention, and providing nutrients for your plants. When you add compost to your soil, it breaks down over time, releasing nutrients and organic matter that improve the structure of your soil. Compost can also be used as a fertilizer by gardening indoors or in containers. Wholesale compost suppliers How to Make Your Own DIY Compost BinA compost bin can be as simple or as complex as you want to make it. It can be an open pile or a closed container that allows you to control the process and not attract pests or vermin to your yard. There are two main types of composting: aerobic and anaerobic. If you want to make aerobic compost, you can use a tumbler-style container because it allows oxygen to reach the compost inside. If you want to make anaerobic compost, you can choose a container that blocks oxygen. – Choose a location: Pick a location that is near your garden and away from any structures such as your house or deck. Make sure that it is easy for you to access. – Create the compost pile: Start with a base layer of good compost or compostable materials such as leaves and straw. Add materials like garden waste, kitchen scraps, coffee grounds and manure to build up the pile. Make sure to maintain a moisture level by watering the compost pile as needed. – Let the compost cure: Compost takes time to mature, so don’t expect to see results right away. You’ll want to let your compost sit for a few months before using it in your garden. Hot vs. Cold CompostingHot composting is a fast way to turn your organic materials into compost. It uses heat produced by microbial activity to kill disease-causing pathogens such as bacteria and fungi. Keep in mind, however, that you cannot use compost that has been heated as fertilizer because it will kill your plants. Hot composting is ideal for large quantities of organic material that you want to quickly turn into usable compost, such as yard waste. Cold composting is best for turning small quantities of organic matter into compost. It does not produce enough heat to kill pathogens and weed seeds, so you can use this compost as fertilizer. It is best for gardeners who want to compost indoors or in areas with cold weather. Vermicomposting (Using Worms to Make Compost)Vermicomposting is another way to make compost. You can use earthworms to break down organic matter and create compost in a closed container. This type of composting is ideal for people who don’t have a lot of space available for compost piles. Earthworms also have a higher rate of reproduction than other compost organisms. That means you can create more compost faster with earthworms. Vermicomposting is a good way to recycle kitchen scraps and other organic materials that would otherwise end up in the landfill. It’s also a great way to get kids interested in gardening, as they can observe the process and even help with the worms. ConclusionCompost is a rich soil amendment that benefits your garden in many ways. It improves the health of your soil by increasing its organic matter, improving its texture and water retention, and providing nutrients for your plants. It also can be used as a fertilizer by gardening indoors or in containers. The best way to use compost is to incorporate it into your gardening routine. You can do this by buying compost in bags or making your own using a composting method. This article is provided by | |