In the United States, all alarm bells are ringing about the e-cigarette. According to American media, twelve people have died and hundreds of people with lung complaints have been hospitalized because of this cigarette According to producers, ‘vaping’ (that’s how smoking an e-cigarette is called) is healthier than smoking a regular cigarette. But recent reports show that the e-cigarette is not as harmless as it seems. Doctors and health organizations are now calling for measures.
E-cigaretteAccording to Esther Croes, physician-epidemiologist at the Trimbos Institute, the e-cigarette is less dangerous than a regular cigarette. “But the e-cigarette is not harmless. But we are not yet completely sure how dangerous it is. That should become clear in the coming years.” The electronic cigarette came on the market 15 years ago. About three percent of the Dutch sometimes ‘vape’ with it. It consists of three parts: a battery, a container for liquid and a mouthpiece. The liquid it contains includes nicotine and a flavoring. There are more than five hundred flavours: from anchovy to cappuccino flavour.
Donald TrumpSo it mainly seems to be a ‘healthier’ cigarette with a nice taste. But the long-term health risks of this cigarette are unknown. The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) determined that many of the American victims had put THC oil in the e-cigarette. This oil would mainly be available through the illegal circuit. Research is now underway to determine whether there is a link between smoking this oil and deaths.
Young peopleAnd especially for its use among young people. Seilback wants flavored e-cigarettes banned. They are said to be focused too much on young people, so that they are more likely to ‘vape’. According to Seilback, the step from an e-cigarette to a normal cigarette is then quickly taken. “That is worrying. The young people who smoke with an electric cigarette now will have to fight against nicotine addiction later in life.e liquids store online for more information. It is extremely difficult to get rid of that,” says Seilback. He is also concerned about the increase in patients with lung complaints. “We are pressing the alarm button. There is an epidemic: in 36 states people have become sick after smoking an e-cigarette.”
‘It gets blown up’Dave Westerveld has an e-cigarette shop and webshop in several cities in the Netherlands. He sees that trade is collapsing because of the messages from the United States. “People even come to return their e-cigarette. I think the hassle that is going on in America is very unfortunate, because everything is blown up. While ultimately, as is now known, it is about illegally obtained trade and not about the e-cigarette itself.” Westerveld is still confident about his vapor product. “The e-cigarette is less harmful for someone who normally smokes tobacco. You have to compare it with that. I don’t think you should compare an e-cigarette with someone who doesn’t smoke at all.”
Flavours“Our customers are mainly people who want to quit smoking or who are looking for a less harmful alternative. We can help them reduce their nicotine levels. The flavors are intended for adults. In the US, these flavors are said to be for children, but that isn’t like that here.” According to Westerveld, the rules are also much stricter in the Netherlands than in the United States. More research is needed in the coming years to determine the risks of e-cigarettes. But millions of people use it and there is little regulation. That is why Croes does not want a ban, but above all stricter measures for use. According to Seilback, we should completely ignore the e-cigarette: “We can’t say it’s unsafe, but we can’t say it’s safe either. Its use is not recommended at the moment.” |